common fruit logo

~ the platform for gleaners ~

Running a gleaning organization is a huge coordination effort, often done by volunteers and on a small budget. We feel your pain! The common fruit platform was borne of our efforts to digitally transform Hidden Harvest Ottawa's operations in 2018. Let us help you manage your people, events, and data.

Our approach

We want to give back your time so you can spend it best, under a tree in your community. The common fruit platform automates the coordination tasks around harvest events. All of the following steps can be completely hands-off:

How it works

  1. Anyone from your community registers a tree online
  2. Harvest leaders sign up for (or are assigned) trees to harvest
  3. The harvest leader chooses a date and time for the harvest
  4. Fruit pickers register for a harvest (or join a waitlist)
  5. Harvest time!
  6. The harvest leader fills out a harvest report
  7. Everyone gets a post-harvest thank you and summary

We'll gladly set up a customized, fully functional demo so you can try things out on your own time. If you'd like to participate, apply here .

If your operational model is different, we'd still love to talk! We have near and long term plans to adapt to many other situations. Have questions? [email protected]

About us

Katrina is the co-founder of Hidden Harvest Ottawa, a crowd motivator, group facilitator, and public speaker. She is passionate about trees and environmental issues.

Tony is Hidden Harvest Ottawa's longest serving Advisory Committee member. He is an engineer who likes to find simple solutions to complex problems and built the software platform that has operated all of Hidden Harvest's events since 2018.